What Do Mountain Lions Think Of Humans? Find Out At The (Virtual) Pub! – kclu.org

Santa Barbara Natural History Museum is hosting an on-line event which explores how human presence impacts mountain lion behavior.

They are mysterious and reclusive animals, and the Science Pub From Home run by Santa Barbara Natural History Museum is exploring how human behavior impacts mountain lion behavior.

The speaker is UC Santa Cruz Professor Chris Wilmers, who studies mountain lions.

He told KCLU that mountain lions "don't particularly care" for humans.

"For the most part [they] try to avoid us," he said.

"Humans make it incredibly hard to be a mountain lion. We put up barriers like roads which make it very hard for them to move form part of their habitat to another."

Details about how to join the conversation are here.

Original post:
What Do Mountain Lions Think Of Humans? Find Out At The (Virtual) Pub! - kclu.org

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