Coronavirus second wave panic as scientists admit they’re ‘flying blind’ over immunity –

Danny Altmann, Professor of Immunology at Imperial College London, admitted scientists currently do not have any idea whether confirmed coronavirus patients will develop immunity from catching the virus for a second time.During a remote Commons Science and Technology Committee meeting, Professor Altmann also raised serious concerns about lifting the UK-wide lockdown without sufficient knowledge of the virus or a vaccine.

He said: Immunologists when they are studying live infection or vaccination get very obsessed with these things called quarrians of protection.

And that means all the tests you can do, all the measurable, give you a number to quantify whether the likelihood is this person would be protected next time they meet this bug.

So that is the thing we need to know we kind of don't know the foggiest notion of for this infection at the moment.

Britons have been living under restrictions since March 23 and Professor Altmann has cast serious doubt as to whether social distancing measures can be lifted without accurate anti-body testing and knowledge of exactly who is carrying the virus.

The medical expert is also adamant it would take at least another six months to gather enough evidence in order to fully understand the disease.

He said: "As an immunologist and knowing how desperately lethal this virus can be, I'd be very worried about any assumptions on those grounds - terribly worried.

"For a virus we've known about since January, it's been a very steep learning curve.

"Without really good antibody testing and seroprevalence in the population, we're flying blind.

"We haven't got a clue who's had it, how many have had it, where they've had it, or where we stand for the future for second waves.

READ MORE:Angela Merkel at risk of reimposing lockdown as infection rate spikes

Up to 1,102 participants will be recruited across multiple study sites in Oxford, Southampton, London and Bristol.

The Department for Health has confirmed a further 586 patients have died from COVID-19 in UK hospitals.

As of 5pm on Monday the total number of coronavirus fatalities now stands at 21,678.

See the original post:
Coronavirus second wave panic as scientists admit they're 'flying blind' over immunity -

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