More Clinics Turn To Telemedicine During Covid19 Outbreak – Red River Radio

TELEMEDICINE - While hospitals and clinics have been open to see patients during the Covid-19 outbreak, many patients who need to visit clinics for non-covid19 issues have become concerned about going to the doctor during the Stay-at-Home orders to avoid community spread of the virus. In response to these concerns more healthcare providers are implementing Telemedicine. 70 of the Willis-Knighton Physician Network clinics in Northwest Louisiana are now offering a telehealth virtual visit for existing patients whose records are accessible by the physicians. Dr. Caroline Caperton is with the Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center and explains how it works.

"It's an opportunity for the patient and the physician to have an encounter or a visit over the phone with a video camera," Caperton said. "It allows the physician to see the patient and the patient to see the physician and talk in real time."

Clinics offering the service have placed instructions on their websites. Following the instructions, a patient will download an app that will allow a secure connection for the visit. The Virtual Visits are for less-serious health conditions and offer convenience for patients to see a doctor without leaving home but doctors will recommend a patient come for an in-person follow-up should their conditions require it.

"Obviously we love inpatient visits, we like to put our hands on patients and listen," Caperton explained. "But there are opportunities to see patients and see your doctor and have that access while still going by the mandate of shelter-at-home and to stay at home."

( NOTE- Willis Knighton is an underwriter for Red River Radio. )

More healthcare providers are turning to telemedicine to provide better access to patients during the Covid-19 outbreak.

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More Clinics Turn To Telemedicine During Covid19 Outbreak - Red River Radio

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