Boys’ High alumni holds mission today

SOME 100 indigent residents of City Camp will benefit from the medical mission of an alumni association.

Saint Louis University-Boys High Club 7882 will conduct a medical, dental, and optical mission for the indigents of Barangay City Camp Proper and City Camp Central today, Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the City Camp Proper Youth Center.

The alumni of class 1982 of the SLU Boys High School will once again share their blessings to the needy. This is part of the outreach program the group does annually said Felizardo Gacad, president of the group.

Club 7882 president Joselito Itong Tan said the project is in coordination with Association of Barangay Councils president Joel Alangsab.

Drs. Louie Llanes and Noli Tandoc will diagnose medical conditions, while Dr. Nestor Ventura will handle dental concerns, and Dr. Jhun Dizon for optical.

This year, one of the farthest elementary schools in Benguet and seven high school students were beneficiaries of the 3rd Miners Cup Basketball Invitational Tournament which the group of alumni organized with mining companies.

Some P40,000 was given to the Pimmingan Elementary School and scholarship program from the basketball tournament. (Redjie Melvic Cawis)

Published in the Sun.Star Baguio newspaper on November 30, 2012.

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Boys’ High alumni holds mission today

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