Cornwall attracts budding physician


Cornwall council has enticed a South Glengarry resident to eventually open a medical practice here.

Brent Patterson of South Glengarry was lured by a five-year, $150,000 medical scholarship after he was chosen by a special health professionals committee.

Council approved Patterson's selection at Monday's council meeting.

"Bringing physicians to the City is important to the well-being of all of our citizens, said Mayor Bob Kilger in a media release.

The goal of our medical recruitment program is to ensure that the community will be well served by medical professionals.

"The scholarship also helps encourage our young bright students to reach for their dreams."

A Char-Lan District High School alumni, Patterson hails from South Glengarry and recently graduated on the Dean's List from McGill University with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in anatomy and cell biology.

He will be pursuing family medicine studies at University of Toronto and, after certification by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, will set up a full-time family practice in Cornwall.

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Cornwall attracts budding physician

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