Ex-MCO president transformed school

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Published: 10/24/2012 - Updated: 1 week ago


Dr. Richard D. Ruppert, the third president of the former Medical College of Ohio who oversaw a period of tremendous growth at the school in bricks and mortar, programs, and reputation died Monday in New Orleans. He was 81.

He had accompanied his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Ruppert, to the national conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He had an apparent heart attack as he and his wife left their hotel and could not be revived, she said. He had experienced heart problems for some time, but this was unexpected, his wife said.

Dr. Ruppert retired in 1993 after 16 years as MCO president. He was on the board of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority board from 1989-99, during which he was chairman for four years.

Most recently, he was a leader in efforts to reform Lucas County government.

What motivated him? It was for the community, said Thomas Palmer, another leader in the ongoing effort and a partner in the law firm of Marshall & Melhorn.

Dr. Ruppert was hired to lead MCO in 1977, succeeding Dr. Marion Anderson as president. The schools first president was Dr. Glidden Brooks.

He was passionate about making progress, his wife said. It was personally not a job. It was a commitment to make this a first-class medical college.

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Ex-MCO president transformed school

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