Fairfield University program donates teddy bears

The "Teddy Bears with Love Drive," a two-month-long community service project by Fairfield University's Student Alumni Association, recently gave more than 1,400 bears from alumni to children's hospitals and charities from Boston to Washington, D.C.

Alumni chapters from Hartford, Boston, Chicago, New York City, northern New Jersey and Washington, D.C., collected more than 200 of the bears and donated them to their local charities and hospitals, according to a release.

"Every year, I'm more and more amazed by the generosity of all of Fairfield's alumni, students, friends ... the entire community," Colleen McGinn, associate director of alumni relations and association adviser, said in a statement.

The bears were given to more than a dozen locations overall, including St. Vincent's Medical Center in Bridgeport, Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital, New York's Hour Children and Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago.

More than 100 teddy bears were also donated to Sandy Hook Elementary School students as part of the "Heal Newtown" initiative organized by Connecticut's KC101 FM Radio.

Since its inception 13 years ago, the university program has collected and donated more than 15,000 teddy bears and stuffed animals.

For information, email the association at FairfieldSAA@gmail.com.

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Fairfield University program donates teddy bears

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