Saint Mary’s University Alumni Dinner Fundraiser for Wadeng Wings of Hope – Video

02-11-2011 13:17 Share it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and even step up to donate Wadeng Wings of Hope exists because of the vision of one person, Jacob Deng, a young man who, as one of the Lost Boys of Sudan, survived unimaginable hardships as a child and adolescent, and came to Nova Scotia as a refugee in 2003. Jacob's dream of building schools in Southern Sudan arose from the deprivation and harrowing escape he experienced, and many in Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada have been inspired by his compelling story to join in his vision. Jacob, a member of the Dinka tribe, was born in Duk Padiet, a village near the Nile in Southern Sudan. When insurgents supported by the government that came to power in a coup in 1989 ravaged his village, burning everything in sight and slaughtering people, including most of Jacob's family, Jacob as a seven-year-old child fled on foot with thousands of other boys to Ethiopia, barely surviving the four-month trek. With little to eat and dangers from soldiers and wild animals, many of the boys did not make it. In a camp of 20000 boys in Ethiopia, life did not improve much, as food proved to be scarce if available at all, and again many of the boys did not survive. Their best hope lay in their makeshift outdoor school, where they received a rudimentary education. By 1991, when Ethiopia forced them to leave, they again were on the run, with the support of soldiers from the Sudan People's Liberation Army. They drank water from ...

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Saint Mary's University Alumni Dinner Fundraiser for Wadeng Wings of Hope - Video

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