Neuroscience Research Day Hosts 67 Presentations – Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences News

The neuroscience community at UB is very diverse. There are a lot of faculty in the medical school, but also faculty in biology and psychology, as well as exercise science and elsewhere, says Fraser J. Sim, PhD, associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology and director of the neuroscience program.

We really encompass everything from very basic science relating to brain function, all the way up to translational disease-focused research. Neuroscience covers the study of single molecules to entire behaving organisms and it is great to have one day to bring everyone together to present and share their data.

It is a great opportunity for our students to present their research, especially masters students who are only in the program for two years. They routinely do not go to many national and international meetings just because of the short period of time in the masters program and its hard for them to get enough data to present, Sim adds.

It also gives them a chance to see how research is disseminated. We have an excellent external speaker come in from outside of Buffalo, as well as presentations by local faculty. We also provide an opportunity for senior doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows to give a talk to better prepare them for the future.

Elizabeth G. Mietlicki-Baase, PhD, assistant professor of exercise and nutrition sciences in the School of Public Health and Health Professions (SPHHP), is president of the Buffalo Chapter of SfN.

Neuroscience Research Day is an excellent opportunity for local neuroscientists to discuss ongoing research and potential future collaborations, she says. I think our event is particularly beneficial for trainees as they get the opportunity to present their work to researchers with diverse scientific interests.

The following postdoctoral and doctoral students won awards:

Best Short-Talk Presentation

Best Poster Presentations

The following list includes the other oral presentations, including title, authors and faculty mentors:

The following list includes the other poster presentations, including title, authors and faculty mentors:

Catherine M. Kotz, PhD, professor and director of graduate studies in the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology at the University of Minnesota,gave a distinguished scientist lecture.

The title of her presentation was Targeting Brain Orexin to Mitigate Obesity and Cognitive Impairment.

A new faculty member talk was also given by Soo-Kyung Lee, PhD, Empire Innovation Professor and Om P. Bahl Endowed Professor of biological sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS).

Institutional support for the event was provided by the neuroscience program and departments of Pharmacology and Toxicologyand Neurology in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; the Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences in the SPHHP; and the departments of Biological Sciences and Psychiatry, and the Center for Ingestive Behavior Research in the CAS. Additional support was provided by the Society for Neuroscience.

The event was conductedOct. 11 at the Center for the Arts on UBs North Campus.

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Neuroscience Research Day Hosts 67 Presentations - Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences News

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