UE ready to celebrate school’s 158th birthday

EVANSVILLE — The University of Evansville is celebrating its 158th birthday this week with a series of events, including the dedication of a gallery showcasing the school's Methodist heritage.

The John Wesley Gallery and Methodist Commemorative Collection will be on the lower level of Neu Chapel. Its dedication will be at 9:30 a.m. Sunday.

UE officials say the collection is a gift from R. Wayne Perkins, a professor emeritus of philosophy and religion, and his wife Sally Perkins, a UE master's degree recipient.

It includes paintings, ceramics, plates, silverware, busts and more.

Founders Day is observed annually at UE to mark the incorporation of Moores Hill College, the move to Evansville, the charter as Evansville College, and the official opening of the University of Evansville.

All four of these dates fall between Feb. 10 and 19.

Following the gallery dedication, UE will hold a Founders Day service at 10:30 a.m. in Neu Chapel. It will feature the Edgar M. McKown Lecture, given by storyteller and author Tex Sample.

Sample is a professor emeritus in church and society at St. Paul School of Theology, a United Methodist seminary in Kansas City, where he taught from 1967-1999.

The Founders Day celebration will conclude with the annual Alumni Awards Luncheon at noon in Eykamp Hall. The UE Alumni Association will present three awards:

* Samuel Orr Honorary Alumni Award: Richard and Patrice Schroeder. Both are members of the UE Sponsor-a-Student program and are longtime members of the President's Club. Richard Schroeder is a charter member of the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Advisory Board and currently serves as chair.

* Distinguished Young Alumnus Award: Craig Bryan, a 2011 graduate. Bryan has established programs to reduce suicidal behaviors among pre-deployment and active duty soldiers. He recently assumed the new role of associate director of the National Center for Veterans Studies at the University of Utah, and he has also worked as a consultant for the Air Force, Marine Corps, and Army.

* Distinguished Alumnus Award: Dr. R. Edward Coleman, a 1965 graduate. Coleman is a professor of radiology and vice-chair of the Department of Radiology at Duke University Medical Center. He has worked with PET (positron emission tomography) imaging and its use and evaluation of patients with cancer and dementia.

Coleman is credited as the first physician to demonstrate the potential clinical utility of PET imaging. He served on the UE Alumni Association board of directors from 1988-1994 and received an honorary degree from UE in 2000. Coleman has also been a President's Club member since 2009, sponsors an endowed scholarship, and was the 2009 homecoming speaker.

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UE ready to celebrate school's 158th birthday

Career Day

Photos by Sue Watson

Career Day
Former graduates of St. Mary's, Cadet, and now known as Holy Family School, recently gathered for Career Day. Students led the morning devotional and entertained prior to being introduced to several dozen alumni from the school. Their careers included writers, poets, attorneys, scientists, teachers, pastors, broadcasters, school principals, a county prosecutor, realtors, music producers, concert promotors, a medical transcriptionist and coder, and a physician. Parents and grandparents were also present to cheer on the elementary school which educates children in grades K-8. (Top) Holy Family students enjoy singing together and clapping. (Below) Third grader India Lucas leads a song. (Above) From left are Agatha Asemota, healthcare consultant; Maliah Wilkinson, student; Helen Howell, computer tech teacher; Lakisha Mitchell Buffington, published writer and poet; Amnesti Johnson; Galena principal Andre Sims; and student Chris Falkner. Holy Family School is under the auspices of Sacred Heart Southern Missions, a Catholic ministry headquartered in Walls.

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Career Day

School Secrets: 5 things to know about Boston College

Lions and tigers and eagles, oh my! The Powers Atrium in BC?s Fulton Hall isn?t your average atrium: It has a Wizard of Oz theme. ?[The atrium] was renovated not too long ago, and the architects wanted to incorporate a cool theme into it,? said Savarino. And so, the benches are engraved with the Latin equivalent of, ?Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore,? while the lights are shaped like the Tin Man?s hat.

?It?s kind of weird,? said sophomore nursing major Grace Collins. ?I think you just have to come in and see it to believe it.?

The Eagles like to get down and dirty. Right before finals, BC observes their spring semester tradition of Mudstock: Students build a mud pit in the parking lot and have an all-day volleyball tournament, culminating with an outdoor concert near the senior housing complex known as the Mods. Savarino, who worked as an EMT on medical standby for both events last year, said everyone always has a good time -- but getting a spot on one of the volleyball teams can be pretty competitive, said sophomore marketing major Kasey Jong.

BC went to the Super Bowl.?Or at least, some of its alumni did: Six players who played in this year?s Super Bowl used to walk the halls of Boston College, and New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin used to be BC?s head coach. ?You wouldn?t think that BC would be the most-represented college in the Super Bowl,? said senior communications major Dave Grotz, but he added that football is ?probably the best part about BC.?

?There?s a definitely a lot of BC pride about people that have gone to the NFL and done well,? said Jong.

Want a prime Boston Marathon-watching spot? Head to BC.?BC is located right after ?Heartbreak Hill,? a make-or-break stretch of the Boston Marathon, so their campus is said to be one of the best places to watch. ?From experience here as a student and as a runner, it?s absolutely amazing running through BC,? said Grotz, who ran the marathon his sophomore year.

And as most Boston students will agree, Marathon Monday is one of the best days to be a student in the city. ?Everyone just gets hammered on Monday and goes out and supports the runners,? said Jong -- although that tradition is pretty much the same no matter where you go to school.

BC is a powerhouse of incredible architecture. The third floor of Gasson Hall, which opened in 1913, has a spiral staircase that leads up to a gorgeous bell tower. Word on the street is that any student found up there will be ?punished accordingly,? said Savarino (which most students believe means expulsion), but that hasn?t stopped some Eagles from making the trek.

?I?ve had friends do a lot of weird stuff up there,? said Grotz.

Bapst Library isn?t too shabby either; in fact, it was named one of the most beautiful college libraries in the world. ?It?s just what you would imagine a Hogwarts library to look like,? said Collins.

?Basically if you drop a pen or are really loud, everyone will look at you and glare at you,? she said, ?so Bapst is the place to go if you want to get some serious studying done.?

BC students, what's your favorite thing about your school?

Interested in more 'School Secrets'? Find out what's weird and wacky about life at Northeastern and BU, and check back for fun facts about the rest of Boston's institutions of higher education.

Photos by Burns Library, Boston College (top) and TheDailySportsHerald (bottom) (Flickr)

About Melissa -- I'm a journalism student at Northeastern University, originally from New Jersey. I love hiking, kayaking, and cereal, and I am a vegetarian. I'm afraid of nothing, except butterflies. I love Disney movies, and I hope to one day meet Betty White.

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School Secrets: 5 things to know about Boston College

Rutgers students plan rally over proposed Rowan University takeover of Camden campus

Hundreds of Rutgers University students plan to rally today outside a meeting of the university's board of governors to protest a proposed takeover of the Camden campus by Rowan University.

Gov. Chris Christie last month announced the plan and other recommendations that a state advisory committee made to reorganize medical education in New Jersey. The merger was proposed to create a public research university that would strengthen Rowan's new Cooper Medical School.

But many Rutgers students, faculty, staff and alumni have strongly opposed the plan, organizing protests, signing petitions and calling their legislators. More than 40 people have signed up to speak at the board’s public meeting at 1:30 p.m. today at the Walter K. Gordon Theater in Camden, a Rutgers spokesman said.

A Rutgers-Eagleton poll released today showed less than a quarter of New Jersey voters support the merger proposal.

Last week, Rutgers University President Richard McCormick said he does not want to give up the Camden campus, but that the university may not be able to pick and choose from the recommendations if they are bundled together as a package deal.

The same committee has also recommended Rutgers add three successful pieces of UMDNJ to its New Brunswick-Piscataway campus, which would give Rutgers a medical school.

McCormick said the Rutgers Act of 1956 requires the university’s board of governors and board of trustees to vote on the proposed changes that affect Rutgers.

To set the plan in motion, Christie has spoken publicly about submitting a reorganization plan to the Legislature, which would have 60 days to vote on it. His spokesman said that is one option, but discussions on the best way to institute the changes are ongoing with legislators and representatives of the colleges.

Related coverage:

• Editorial: Gov. Chris Christie's plan for N.J. higher ed is promising

• Q&A: Chris Christie's higher ed reform plan good for N.J.

• N.J. higher education reorganization: An opinion round-up

• Poll: Voters not warm to Christie plan to upend N.J. university system

• Rowan merger plan complicates proposal to merge 2 Rutgers law schools

• Rutgers president McCormick says university would not give up Camden campus if given a choice

• Gov. Chris Christie outlines plan to overhaul UMDNJ

• Gov. Christie calls for major changes in higher education

See the original post here:
Rutgers students plan rally over proposed Rowan University takeover of Camden campus

Error in Adrenaline Sensitivity Research Leads to Wharton Digital Press “Brilliant Mistakes” Contest First Place Win

Second place goes to ill-prepared children’s performer who found profits in improv

Philadelphia, PA (PRWEB) February 15, 2012

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania announces Dr. Stephen Salzman of UCLA Medical Center is the grand prize winner of Wharton Digital Press’ “Brilliant Mistakes” contest. In partnership with media sponsor Inc.com, winners were announced today, marking the conclusion of a three-month challenge.

Three finalists’ submissions were reviewed by judges, including faculty from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, John Seely Brown, Co-Chair, Deloitte Center for the Edge, Inc.com Editor Eric Schurenberg, and the inspiration for the contest, Paul Schoemaker, PhD and author of “Brilliant Mistakes: Finding Success on the Far Side of Failure” (Wharton Digital Press). Entrants were challenged to submit an error that they committed and recognized as a potential source of learning or innovation, and then leveraged as a new concept or idea that helped transform a project or organization.

Dr. Salzman explained in his submission that throughout his medical career he believed that athletes, with lower heart rates, must be less sensitive to the effects of adrenaline. To prove his hypothesis correct, he conducted blinded research. Much to his surprise, the exact opposite proved to be true, forever changing his perspective, not only in the area of adrenaline, but throughout cardiology.

The second place winner, Annie Banannie, was awarded an Invitation to an SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management conference. A performer for children, her entry detailed how insufficient preparation led to her best performance ever. She didn’t have her props, so she had to make up a story on the spot in front of an audience of 200. Because of the “mistake,” Annie is incorporating more improvisation into her act, one that is more successful than it ever.

According to Paul Schoemaker, some errors – referred to as “portals of discovery” – can lead to game-changing innovation. “We were pleasantly surprised by the wide range of examples submitted,” said Schoemaker. “It is difficult to mine mistakes for learnable moments or innovative ideas; these winners exemplify what can happen when an organization encourages extracting the most from mistakes.”

Matthew Lynch, the third place winner, explained that while working to identify Medicare fraud, he realized that only focusing on higher-than-average claims (conventional wisdom) was insufficient. With a team of others, he uncovered fraud activity by individuals and corporations who were uniquely adept at defrauding the system. The successes found in Matthew’s operation became an industry best-practice. He will share a lunch with Paul Schoemaker at the Wharton School.

Dr. Salzman’s prize includes two round-trip tickets on Southwest Airlines to anywhere in the continental United States and a Wharton Executive Education course. In addition, he will receive a complimentary registration for Inc's Growco conference and an Invitation to Wharton Mack Center for Technological Innovation Conference.

The top ten entrants received a signed paperback copy of Brilliant Mistakes. To learn more about the book visit the Wharton Digital Press Web site: Brilliant Mistakes: Finding Success on the Far Side of Failure.

About the Wharton School and Wharton Digital Press

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania— founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school — is recognized globally for intellectual leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. The most comprehensive source of business knowledge in the world, Wharton bridges research and practice through its broad engagement with the global business community. The School has more than 5,000 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral students; more than 9,000 annual participants in executive education programs; and an alumni network of 88,000 graduates.

Wharton Digital Press was launched in collaboration with Knowledge@Wharton, by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, as an innovative all-digital publishing initiative that publishes relevant, accessible and empirically based business knowledge to readers wherever and whenever they need it.

Wharton Digital Press brings together communities of readers and authors committed to identifying and solving the critical problems business managers face today. Leveraging a wide range of cutting-edge digital technologies, Wharton Digital Press helps inspire authors to develop bold, insightful messages, and communicate in creative ways with their audiences. Managers and policy makers need new sources of innovative and practical knowledge that will enable them to deal with the problems of the present and the challenges of the future. Wharton Digital Press takes advantage of the Wharton School’s global presence to disseminate relevant business knowledge from the world’s leading experts to readers wherever and whenever they need it. Wharton Digital Press’s eBooks and print-on-demand books are distributed by Constellation, a service of the Perseus Books Group.


Peter Winicov
The Wharton School
Email Information

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Error in Adrenaline Sensitivity Research Leads to Wharton Digital Press “Brilliant Mistakes” Contest First Place Win

Health Dialog Executive to Speak at Harvard Business School’s “Dynamic Women in Business” Conference


Health Dialog today announced that Mary Jane Favazza, Executive Vice President of Client Operations, has been invited to speak at the prestigious Dynamic Women in Business conference hosted by the Harvard Business School Women’s Student Association on Saturday, February 25, 2012.

Favazza, an HBS alumna, will be featured on the panel, “Leaders in Change: Women Leading Changes in Healthcare”. The panel will take place from 2:50 - 4:00pm. Also on the panel will be Jean Yang, Chief Financial Officer of the Massachusetts Health Connector and Suzanne Cross, Vice President of Business Development at Johnson & Johnson. The panel will be moderated by Bunny Ellerin, Chief Executive Officer at Ellerin Health Media.

Mary Jane Favazza has nearly 25 years of experience in operations, business development, and client management in the healthcare and financial services industries. With close to ten years at Health Dialog, a healthcare analytics and decision support company, she has held numerous roles within the organization, currently overseeing and managing day-to-day client operations, client satisfaction, and program management. Previous roles at Health Dialog have included positions in business development, service delivery, implementation, and several cross-functional initiatives.

Dynamic Women in Business is a leading networking and learning event, focusing on the opportunities and challenges facing women in today’s business world. The conference will be attended by more than 1,000 women, including Harvard students and alumni, faculty, distinguished business leaders, and community members. For more information or to register, please visit http://www.dynamicwibconference.com.

About Health Dialog:

Health Dialog Services Corporation is a leading provider of healthcare analytics and decision support. The firm is a private, wholly-owned subsidiary of Bupa, a global provider of healthcare services. Health Dialog helps healthcare payors improve healthcare quality while reducing overall costs. Company offerings include health coaching for medical decisions, chronic conditions, and wellness; population analytic solutions; and consulting services. Health Dialog helps individuals participate in their own healthcare decisions, develop more effective relationships with their physicians, and live healthier, happier lives. For more information, visit http://www.healthdialog.com.

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Health Dialog Executive to Speak at Harvard Business School’s “Dynamic Women in Business” Conference

Haiti service trip ‘strikes a cord’ in hearts of pre-med students at University of Scranton

University medical alumni and current pre-med undergraduates have traveled to Haiti during intersession since 2002 in a trip sponsored by the Medical Alumni Council to provide medical attention and aid to the people in the impoverished nation. For the students participating, the service provides the invaluable experience of working alongside doctors, gaining insight in the lives of Haitians, and seeing first hand the school’s Jesuit identity in action.
Michael Le, a senior from South Abington Township, who is a member of the University’s Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program with a double major in biology and philosophy, said this service allowed him to see the value of communication when working with patients where there is a language barrier.
“In many instances, the doctors knew the correct diagnosis and prescribed the appropriate treatment, but without a means of communication, both the Haitians and the doctors were lost,” said Le, who plans to attend medical school next year. Le saw first hand the important role of the group’s translator, Junior, who helped both the doctors and students communicate with Haitian physicians and patients.
Le added that he and the other Scranton students were given the opportunity to practice procedures and treatments that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to perform in the United States until medical school. According to Le, students pulled teeth and performed physical examinations.
“In terms of medical education, this hands-on approach reinforced the theories and concepts we studied in our physiology and biology class,” said Le.
For Le, the trip also reinforced the University’s Jesuit ideals, reminding him of the value of service.
“The experience has struck a certain cord in my heart. I have a deeper understanding and appreciation for what I have learned in school, especially about service to others,” explained Le.
Lucie Henry, a junior from Beach Lake, majoring in biology major with a biochemistry minor and a concentration in nutrition, said the experience showed her how poor living conditions contribute to the spread of disease.
“There is no sanitation system, so when it floods all the waste gets into the tents or shacks where most of the people in Cite Soleil live. That is one of the main ways cholera spreads,” said Henry, who also plans to become a doctor.
Henry also said on a visit to see the abandoned children of St. Damien’s in Tabarre, she was shocked by the lack of medical procedures for these children.
“They were sick and most likely going to pass away because they needed a simple medical procedure, but didn’t have access to it,” said Henry.
The third student participating in the January service trip was Kathleen Lavelle, a senior biochemistry, cell and molecular biology and Hispanic studies double major from Avoca, who also participates in the Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program and plans to attend medical school.
University medical alumni participating were Richard Bevilacqua, D.M.D., M.D. ’83, Pamela Taffera, D.O. ’02 and Christopher Andres, M.D. ’89
The University’s Health Professions Organization and the Medical Alumni Council collected medical supplies donated by local alumni doctors and others.

Elizabeth Klassner is a communication major at The University of Scranton with a minor in English literature.

Continued here:
Haiti service trip ‘strikes a cord’ in hearts of pre-med students at University of Scranton

New Canaan Country School alumni makes film about healthcare

New Canaan Country School can now add a Sundance Film Festival director to their list of alumni. The Class of 1998's Matt Heineman recently returned from the festival in Utah where he unveiled a documentary he co-produced and co-directed with Susan Froemke. The film is called "Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare" and it sold out five screenings at the festival.

Heineman said his desire to do something about healthcare is because of all the misconceptions surrounding it in this country.

"Healthcare is an issue that affects all of us, but it's so misunderstood. Everyone knows what it's like to get sick and put your trust in your healthcare provider's hands. But most of us don't think about our health unless we're in the hospital or visiting the doctor," he said. "We wanted to show through the film that we can empower ourselves to be healthier, as individuals and as a country, even before we get sick. We all have a stake in the health of our nation because we all pay for it. We felt like this was a subject that would hit home for every American, so we made it our goal to reach as wide an audience as possible."

Even though he may have been more aware than your average citizen, Heineman said the biggest challenge he faced while filming was dealing with the topic itself and realizing how complex and polarizing it can become.

"There's a reason politicians dating back to Teddy Roosevelt haven't been able to successfully reform our system," he said. "So, from day one, we have acknowledged these challenges and tried to find storylines and characters that help tell the story in an exciting, interesting, and personal way."

After working so hard to find those storylines and put together a narrative that makes sense, Heineman said the most exciting part was simply being able to enjoy Sundance for the first time.

"First and foremost, it was an incredible honor and quite humbling to be able to be there as a young filmmaker," he said. "Once the nerves wore off at our premiere, it was an exhilarating experience to screen the film publicly for the first time, to see audiences react and to interact with people after the screening."

What surprised him most was the reaction by festival attendees and other audience members. He felt many people in the film industry were genuinely hoping for a change in healthcare.

"We were all amazed at how well the film was received. We had five sold-out screenings and it really showed us how excited people were by our film, which explores not only how our healthcare system is broken, but we can do to fix it," he said. "It was wonderfully affirming to feel the energy and the desire to change our severely perverse system."

The next step with the project is to work on a release. Heineman hopes the film can be put out after talking to distributors before the 2012 presidential election. In addition to that, he is also looking at other forms of distribution to get the word out.

"We hope to have an extensive outreach campaign, screen the film on Capitol Hill, at medical schools, hospitals, community clinics and businesses around America," he said.

Heineman will visit New Canaan Coutnry School May 10 to receive the alumni award. For more information on his documentary visit http://www.escapefiremovie.com.

View original post here:
New Canaan Country School alumni makes film about healthcare

SDSU Jack Talk | John Daniel (Pharmacy) – Video

08-02-2012 08:44 http://www.sdstate.edu 12725 people can't be wrong. That's how many chose SDSU to pursue their education last year. And that number keeps growing. Here's how it all adds up: Academic excellence in 175 fields of study + 217 involvement opportunities + 130 years of school pride + 1 incredible value + YOU. It's a simple formula with a great result. Start here. Apply now. apply.sdbor.edu

See more here:
SDSU Jack Talk | John Daniel (Pharmacy) - Video

Champlin-Dayton Calendar

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

THRU FEB. 12 - Anoka County Ramsey Community College will present 'The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" for five performances Feb. 3-12. Sunday, Feb. 12 matinee is at 2 p.m. All other showtimes are at 7:30 p.m. Alumni Night is Feb. 4. Tickets are $8. They are available at the college's bookstore or at the door one hour before the performance. Tickets may also be purchased online at http://www.arccbookstore.com/coonr. The Coon Rapids Campus Performing Arts Center is at 11200 Mississippi Blvd.

For more information, visit http://www.AnokaRamsey.edu or call 763-433-1100.

Driving Refresher Course

FEB. 9 - This four-hour refresher course is taught by Minnesota Highway Safety Center certified instructors. The class will explore the latest in vehicle technology, changes in laws and review defensive driving principles. Class is Thursday, Feb. 9 from 5:30-9:30 p.m. at the Champlin Ice Forum, 12165 Ensign Avenue. Fee is $20 at the door. AAA discounts apply if you show your membership card.

Info: 1-888-234-1294, http://www.mnsafetycenter.org

Bulletproof your computer

FEB. 9 - A-H Community Ed presents a class designed to help bulletproof your computer Feb. 9 from 6-9 p.m. Computer security is not just virus protection any more. Learn the basic risks associated with your Internet connection, how to detect and remove viruses, ad-ware, spyware and Trojans from your computer; plus how to secure your computer from the never-ending array of new threats. Parental control software and services will also be discussed. Class fee is $29 and is held at the Staff Development Center located at the A-H School District Staff Development Center, 2727 North Ferry Street, Anoka. Info and registration: 763-506-5766


FEB. 9 - MOPS, a group for women who are pregnant or have young children (birth to kindergarten), meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Anoka. For more information, contact Joelle at 763-422-8911 or fbcanokamops@gmail.com.

Learn to knit

FEB. 9 THRU MARCH 8 -Learn basic techniques: cast on, knit, purl, increase, decrease, finising and pattern reading while making a tote bag to be felted. Bring size 8 knitting needles and yarn for practice. Scissors, tapestry, need and stitch markers will be needed after first week. Class fee is $55. This is an A-H Community Education class that runs for five sessions on Thursdays from 6:30-9 p.m. at the Staff Development Center, 2727 Ferry Street, Anoka. Info and registration: 763-506-5766

Put laughter in your marriage

FEB. 10 - Good marriages make good families. Learn why laughter and spontaneity are so important in marriage and how to make that happen. Gain brief insight into the family as a unit and how your well-being is a key component in that unit. Discover ways to play together as a family and the positive outcomes of laughter. This fun, interactive evening includes a pasta bar/salad meal and free tickets to the 8:30 p.m. Improv Comedy Show next door. This is a one-session A-H Community Education program held Friday, Feb. 10 from 6-8 p.m. at COR Counseling and Yes And Food! In Coon Rapids. Class fee is $49/couple. Info and registration: 763-506-5766

Couples who cook

FEB. 10 - Celebrate Valentine's Day with a romantic meal for two featuring recipes you are sure to love plus some new techniques you may not have tried before. The menu includes cheese souffl?, chicken Florentine, baked mushroom risotto, garlic roasted broccoli and bananas foster for dessert. Eat in class. Hands-on class. This is an A-H Community Education class with a supply fee of $24 per couple and class fee of $35 per couple/friend. Class is held Friday, Feb. 10 from 6:30-9 p.m. at Champlin Park High School. Info and registration: 763-506-5766

Steak Fry

FEB. 10 - A steak fry will be held from 6-8 p.m. at Elks Lodge 44, 2875 Brookdale Drive, Brooklyn Park. Guests can choose an 8-ounce steak, six breaded shrimp or half a fried chicken served with a baked potato, salad and garlic toast. Tickets cost $10. Proceeds benefit the Brooklyn Center Lioness club. Info or tickets: 763-227-0545 (Sharon).

Valentine's dinner

FEB. 11 - A Valentine's Dinner will be held from 5-9 p.m. at the Izaak Walton League, 8816 West River Road. There is seating at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Dinner includes beef strip loin, salad, mixed vegetables, scalloped potatoes, dessert and sparkling cider. A string quartet from Park Center Senior High will perform. Tickets cost $20. RSVP to 763-493-8013.


FEB. 10 - Freeze! Will be offered at Joseph E. Wargo Nature Center Feb. 10, 10 to 11:15 a.m., ages two to four, $3. For more information, call 651-429-8007 or visit http://www.anokacountyparks.com. Located at 7701 Main Street,_Lino Lakes.

CPHS Senior Party planning meeting

FEB. 13 - A CPHS Senior Party planning meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 13 at 7 pm., in the IMC-Media Center at CPHS. All are welcome to attend to help plan this fun event, which is scheduled to be held Sunday, June 3 at Blainbrook Entertainment Center in Blaine. https://sites.google.com/site/cphsseniorparty/

School board work session

FEB. 13 - An Anoka-Hennepin School Board work session is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14 in the Educational Services Center located at 11299 Hanson Blvd. NW, Coon Rapids.

Love languages

FEB. 14 -MOPS will meet at Solid Rock Free Lutheran at 9:30 am. Pastor Gary Haug will share about the topic "Love Languages" as we seek to build up that special relationship within our marriages.

Monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month and include food, fellowship, childcare and the opportunity to build relationships with other young Mothers. Children will be encouraged and cared for through the Moppet program which includes a story time, snack and playtime. For further questions call Michele at 763-427-6093 or Renee at 763-261-7412. Solid Rock is located at 737 Bob Ehlen Drive in Anoka.

Our MOPS monthly evening Bible study continues the third Tuesday night of each month at 7p.m. at Starbucks in Maple Grove. If you are unable to come to a daytime MOPS meeting, we hope you can join us for this evening event. The name of the study is "Finding Joy in All You Are: A Mom's Ordinary Day Bible Study.

Valentine wine dinner

FEB. 19 - A-H Community Education presents a special Valetine wine adventure Sunday, Feb. 19 at Buona Sera, in Champlin. Chef Raffaele Virgillo will prepare a spectacular five-course dinner featuring Italian specialties perfectly paired with fine wines. Come away with an enhance understanding of food and wine pairing as well as lasting memories of a fun evening. Must be 21 or older. Wine dinner is $65 plus tax per person. Class fee is $15. Info and registration: 763-506-5766

PhotoShop 102

FEB. 21 & 28 - Go beyond the basics of PhotoShop with shortcuts, trick, and tips that let you work smarter and faster. Learn advanced PhotoShop techniques for layering, masking, color adjustments, blending, filtering and more. Prerequisite: PhotoShop 101 or equivalent. Class fee is $75 for returning students, $89 for new students. This is an A-H Community Education class that runs for two sessions on Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. located at Champlin Park High School. Info and registration: 763-506-5766

Winter Bar Olympics

FEB. 25 - The 2nd Annual Winter Olympics will be held at Fritzy's Sports Bar, located at Sundance Golf & Bowl in Dayton. Events include bowling, rodeo golf, darts, bean bag toss and tippy cup. Teams interested in participating should contact the Scott at Fritzy's at 763-420-4700.

College planning info session

FEB. 28 - A parent information session, specifically for parents of high school juniors, will be presented on Tuesday Feb. 28, 2012. The presentation will begin at 6:30 in the North Lecture Hall. Topics to be covered include: choosing a college, planning early, the application process and college admission tests. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Baker @ 763-506-6844

Jodi Livon, The Happy Medium

MARCH 8 - A-H Community Education presents Jodi Livon, The Happy Medium, Thursday, March 8 from 6:30-9 p.m. at Champlin Park High School. Livon will teach how you can use your intuition as an internal alarm system. Seminar will include spontaneous readings of several random audience members. Info and registration: 763-506-5766

Learn Italian cooking

MARCH 20 - Learn the art of making classic Italian cuisine such as stuffed pasta dishes including Rotolo and a variety of Lasagna dishes at this demonstration class held at Buona Sera Restaurant in Champlin. Food Supply Fee is $35, plus tax. Class fee is $15. This is an A-H Community Education class held Tuesday, March 20 at Buona Sera from 7-9 p.m. Info and registration: 763-506-5766

Raingarden workshop

MARCH 22 - Get ready for spring by planning a garden that beautifies your yard and helps keep our water clean. Register now for a Raingarden Workshop and Design Studio, taught by landscape design specialists from the nonprofit group Metro Blooms. The $10 - $15 workshops will be offered from March to mid-June throughout the metro area, and on March 22 at Champlin Park High School, in Champlin. Register online at http://www.metroblooms.org.

Computers for Seniors 101

MARCH 24 & 31 - A-H Community Ed is offering a class for seniors to learn how to operate a mouse and how to use menus. Create some files with very little typing. This gentle introduction to computers will help you feel comfortable sitting at a computer. Designed for those with no or very little experience with lots of hands-on practice time in the classroom. The class is two sessions long from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Staff Development Center, 2727 North Ferry Street, Anoka. Info and registration: 763-506-5766

Champlin Champs

2ND MONDAYS -The Champlin Champs 4-H Club meets the 2nd Monday of the month at United Methodist Church 921 Downs Road at 6:45 p.m. Champlin Champs 4-H club is for kids ages K-12 and their parents. New members are welcome. Call 612-596-2115 for more information.

Parents of children with ADHD/ADD or EBD

1ST TUESDAYS - Meet people who share your questions and learn what has worked or not worked for them. Come for support and information on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., at the Anoka County Human Service building, 1201 89th Ave. N.E., Blaine. The class is free and childcare is provided free of charge but reserve a space by the preceding Sunday evening. Sponsored by Anoka County Family and community Support Services and provided by Central Center for Family Resources. Call 783-4949 to reserve space or for information.

MOPS Meetings

2ND TUESDAYS - MOPS meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month at Solid Rock Free Lutheran beginning Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 9:15 a.m. Meetings will include food, fellowship, childcare and the opportunity to build relationships with other young mothers. Children will be encouraged and cared for through the Moppet program, which includes a story time, snack and playtime. For further questions call 763-427-6093 and ask for Michelle. Solid Rock is located at 737 Bob Ehlen Drive in Anoka, MN.

Parents of Children with Autism

2ND TUESDAYS - Meet others who share your questions and learn about what has worked or not worked for them the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Anoka County Human Service building, 1201 89th Ave. N.E., Blaine. No meeting in December. Children over 12 years meet the 3rd Tuesday, monthly. Sponsored by Anoka County Family and Community Support Services and provided by Central Center for Family and Community Support services and provided by Central Center for Family Resources. Class is free, with childcare provided free but reserve a space by the preceding Sunday evening. Call 783-4958 to reserve a space or for more information.

Champlin Park Youth Hockey Association

3RD TUESDAYS - CPYHA board meetings are held from 7 to 9 p.m. in the small conference room at the Champlin Ice Forum located at 12165 Ensign Avenue North. The CPYHA provides and promotes youth hockey for the benefit of Champlin, Brooklyn Park and Dayton residents.

Grandparents & Relatives Raising Children

1ST THURSDAYS - Grandparents and relatives raising children in the group will discuss legal and financial options, understanding and dealing with emotions about raising children, as well as learning ways to better help the children the first Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. While grandparents and relatives meet, the children are invited to participate in a free supportive playgroup. Registration required. Call Connie Booth at 612-879-5351 or Linda Hammerstein at 612-879-5307. Sponsored by Lutheran Social Services and Anoka County Family Support Service. No fee but donations accepted.

CDAA Board Meetings

SECOND TO LAST SUNDAYS - CDAA Board Meetings are held on the second to last Sunday of each month. The public is welcome to attend. Meetings are held at the Rebels Youth Athletic Building at Jerry Ruppelius Park located at 10951 Elm Creek Parkway. The CDAA provides and promotes athletic and recreational activities for the benefit of the residents of Champlin and Dayton. Info: http://www.cdaasports.org.

Open Skating

ONGOING - Open skating is currently offered at the Champlin Ice Forum Wednesdays from 10 to 11:45 a.m.; Saturdays 6:30 to 8 p.m. and Sundays 1:30 to 3 pm. Student cost is 44. Adult cost is $5. Skate rental is $3. Open skating is provided for recreational skating only. It is important that participants observe the rules of open skating in order to make it an enjoyable experience for every skater. The program is not designed for hockey, figure skating practice or formal skating lessons by an instructor. Long blade skaters are welcome during weekday morning sessions. The Ice Forum is located at 12165 Ensign Ave. in Champlin.

Tribute Trees

ONGOING - The Friends of Parks and Trails of St. Paul and Ramsey County work with the city of Champlin to offer Tribute Trees as living gifts that may be planted in city parks. The recipient receives a card at the time of the order, and a map of the tree location after its planting in spring. The cost is $75 per tree, or $200 for three. Call Peggy at 651-698-4543 for more information.

McGruff House

ONGOING - The Dayton Police Department works in cooperation with the McGruff House program, which was designed to assist children who are in danger or have a medical emergency while going to and from school. If interested in being a McGruff House participant, contact officer Dane McAlpine at 427-2017.

Adult Children Anonymous

ONGOING - Adult Children Anonymous is for adult children who seek healing from the hurtful effects of life events growing up in addictive and other dysfunctional families. Meetings are Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the Faculty Room (205), St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, 9100 93rd Ave. N. in Brooklyn Park. Please use the Education Center/School entrance. Contact Mary Ann at 561-6796 for more information.

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Champlin-Dayton Calendar