Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – Quidditch Match

Harry Potter and the Philosopher #39;s Stone - Quidditch Match Hogwarts Main Entrance - (PC)
(Qudditch Match) 0 Wizards Cards 0 Secrets (Hogwarts Main Entrance) Attend Defence Against the Dark Arts class with Professor Quirrell, located on the third floor landing. Find 1 secret Wizard Card. Find 4 Secret Areas. Walk up the Monumental Staircase and follow right. Turn left around the corner by the statue and ascend the stairs. About halfway on the blue carpet turn right and go up the stairs to the floor where Harry had fought Peeves the last time. As soon as you #39;ll enter the large Hall, you #39;ll watch Fred and Ron running into an open door. Stand on the central red carpet and observe the Hall. All doors are open now and you can explore this entire floor for Secret Areas and Chests. You can also walk up to fellow students and they #39;ll say something to Harry, but not always that nice. But first turn around and cast Flipendo on each of the blue jars for some Beans. Now turn around again and follow straight ahead to where you just saw the Twins disappearing. Smash the green and the blue jar with Flipendo and grab the Bean from the blue jar. Approach the doors and they will open for Harry. Enter the room with the fireplace and turn right to the three cabinets. It will lower in the floor and release a Flipendo switch. Flipendo on that switch will open a Secret Hatch in the wall behind Harry #39;s back. Enter the Secret Room and open the chest with Alohomora for a number of Beans. Now leave here, approach the fireplace and Fred and George will appear out of that: Hey, Harry ...

By: MrGamingZone

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Quidditch Match

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