People’s Pharmacy: Flatulence from high-fiber snack bar

Q: Recently, several of my friends and I had bouts of extreme stomach cramps, severe bloating and uncontrollable gas. The common culprit in all these cases turned out to be snack bars with extra fiber!

The common belief is that the chicory root in the bars is the culprit. There should be a warning on the box.

A: Chicory root contains inulin, which is frequently used as a fiber supplement in some processed foods, such as ice cream, dairy drinks and juice in addition to breakfast bars. Because it is indigestible, it doesn't raise blood sugar but it can cause gas (Journal of the American Dietetic Association, June 2010).

There are many causes of flatulence, ranging from your breakfast bar or bagel to cholesterol pills. Stealth fiber is in so many foods that it is hard to keep track.

Q: Do you know anything about a new blood-pressure drug called Tekturna? Three months after my doctor prescribed this pill, I developed the most horrendous deep cough.

I thought it was whooping cough. A chest X-ray showed my lungs were clear.

A: Tekturna is a relatively new and different blood-pressure medicine. Cough is considered a relatively rare side effect, but we have heard from other readers who also have experienced a terrible cough while taking this drug. Other side effects may include digestive distress, dizziness, weakness, gout, rash and kidney stones.

The Food and Drug Administration recently issued a warning that Tekturna should not be taken with drugs like Diovan, enalapril, lisinopril and losartan by people with diabetes. Anyone with reduced kidney function also should avoid such combinations.

Q: I almost died from an allergic reaction to lamb chops. I was surprised when my allergist asked about ticks, but told him I had gotten into a nest of seed ticks a year ago. Now I have to avoid all meat. I carry an EpiPen just in case I am exposed accidentally. I also have been avoiding cheese, since it is produced with the use of rennet, an animal product. Am I being overly cautious?

A: You are describing alpha-gal allergy, a condition that is initially triggered by a tick bite. People then develop a delayed allergic reaction to meat, including beef, pork, lamb and even venison or rabbit. Chicken, turkey and fish do not trigger the allergy, which can range from itchy hives to the type of anaphylactic reaction you experienced.

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People's Pharmacy: Flatulence from high-fiber snack bar

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