Advanced coronary imaging techniques lower health risks: Experts – The New Indian Express

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:The first annual conference on Coronary Imaging and Physiology by the Society for Coronary Imaging and Physiology began in the state capital on Saturday.Inaugurating the conference SCIP president Dr. C G Bahuleyan said advanced coronary imaging techniques enable accurate detection of heart ailments earlier and minimally invasive surgery with geometric precision. The latest technologies lower the healthcare cost and risks.

Apart from medical experts, organisations, hospitals, healthcare sector, health insurance industry and social service groups and residents associations should work to ensure the entire population has access to modern diagnostic and treatment technologies, he said. Expert cardiologists from India and abroad including faculty from different states, international faculty, scientists and experts in interventional cardiology attended the conference held at Hotel Leela in Kovalam. Major deliberations on pathbreaking medical technologies for diagnosis, superior treatment decisions and surgical interventions are being held at the conference.

Dr. Madhu Sreedharan, organising secretary spoke on the benefits of physiologic-guided cardiac treatments like Fractional Flow Reserve and Instant wave-Free Ratio and the advanced techniques of imaging of blood vessels from inside using Intra Vascular Ultra Sound and Optical Coherence Tomography.

Dr. Keith George Oldroyd, Professor, Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, University of Glasgow, explained various aspects of FFR technique. Dr Sayan Sen, Consultant Cardiologist, Imperial College, London, detailed the greater diagnostic flexibility and more choices offered by IFR.

International faculty and expert cardiologists Dr. Takashi Akasaka, Professor, Wakayam Medical University Japan and Xiu Jian Chen, Associate Chief Physician, Southern Medical University, China led scientific sessions. Dr. Karl Schultz, Professor of Cardiology, University of West Australia will lead the symposium on OCT in planning and optimising angioplasty on Sunday.

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Advanced coronary imaging techniques lower health risks: Experts - The New Indian Express

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