"Be A Hero – Wear A Mask" Justice League In DC Comics This Week – Bleeding Cool News

As seen in today's DC Comics monthly titles, a new DC Comics public service announcement, with all their characters wearing facemasks. Now, I am not entirely sure if Kryptonian physiology, Amazonian physiology, Cyborg physiology. Atlantean physiology, Flash metabolism or a Green Lantern ring would allow any of them to actually get the coronavirus, let alone spread it. But Batman is bound to get it, given the bodily fluids he ends up spattered all over him, so maybe they are just wearing masks to support Batman's struggle, to show solidarity. It's what the Justice League would do. Or something like that.

Oh and look, Superman's lost his red pants again, though thankfully no one is wearing any of those silly collars. You know, if they were Spider-Man, Deadpool or Black Panther, they'd already be covered, no further mask-age necessary. But it is a step up on some of the odder social distancing posters DC Comics have been issuing.

I also noticed today's Batgirl #50, though it takes place in a land without coronavirus, still has similar messaging to make

Oh look, Virus wears a facemask. How very on-the-nose as it were. Also something written and drawn after lockdown, so reflecting certain fears and realities at a thematic level at least.

I bought my DC Comics this week from Piranha Comics in Kingston-Upon-Thames.Piranha Comics is a small south London comic storechain with a small south-east store in Kingston-Upon Thames's market centre, which runsMagic The Gathering nights on Fridays, and a larger south-west store in Bromley, whichalso runs Magic nightsand hasan extensive back issue collection and online store. If you are in the neighbourhood, check them out.

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.

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"Be A Hero - Wear A Mask" Justice League In DC Comics This Week - Bleeding Cool News

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