Could the Monarch butterfly help us to understand seasonal depression? – Health Europa

Understanding the findings to translate day length encoding into seasonal physiological and behavioural responses in animals.

Biologists at Texas A&M University are making strides in understanding biological clock function in several model organisms and translating these studies into broader implications for human health, such as understanding seasonal depression.

The Merlin Laboratory in the Texas A&M Department of Biology has found genetic evidence linking circadian clock genes and clock-regulated molecular pathways to the Monarch butterflys uncanny ability to sense the changes in day length, or photoperiod an environmental cue that signals them to migrate and triggers the reproductive dormancy they exhibit in the process.

Their work establishes a clear connection between clock genes and the vitamin A pathway within the brain of this iconic insect.

The Merlin Labs study, published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, not only provides genetic proof for the photoperiod-clock connection but also demonstrates for the first time that it also regulates a critical vitamin A pathway necessary for seasonal responses.

Texas A&M biologist and 2017 Klingenstein-Simons Fellow Christine Merlin, said: Nearly all organisms adapt to the seasons by adjusting their physiology and behaviour to changes in day length, or photoperiod.

Despite decades of research, the molecular and genetic mechanisms by which changes in photoperiod are sensed and translated into seasonal changes in animal physiology and behaviour have remained poorly understood.

While much remains to be learned, our findings pave the way for understanding the mechanisms by which vitamin A operates in the brain to translate day length encoding into seasonal physiological and behavioural responses in animals.

Given that seasonal changes associated with this pathway have also been reported in the mammalian brain, it is tantalising to speculate that the function of vitamin A in animal photoperiodism may be evolutionary conserved.

If this turns out to be the case, our work in the Monarch could have implications for better understanding seasonal changes in the human brain that could lead to ailments such as seasonal depression.

For the past six years, Merlins lab within the Texas A&M Center for Biological Clocks Research has been using the majestic Monarch as a model to study animal migration, the role of circadian clocks in regulating daily and seasonal animal physiology and behaviour, and the evolution of the animal clockwork.

Aided by CRISPR/Cas9 technology, her group already has succeeded in altering key biological clock-related genes in the Monarch in order to study their impact on daily circadian rhythms and seasonal migratory responses.

One of the complications the Merlin lab had to overcome in the study is that vitamin A is necessary for visual function of the Monarchs compound eyes, meaning that their ninaB1 full-body knockouts would be rendered blind. As a fail-safe, Merlins team had to find a non-genetic way to eliminate the potential function of the compound eyes as a possible tie-back to the lack of photoperiodic responses observed in these new mutant butterflies.

Merlin said: We had to be creative, so we turned to arts and crafts experiments.

By painting the compound eyes of wild-type adult butterflies with black paint, we demonstrated that visual function was not necessary for photoperiodic responses, thereby supporting the idea that the vitamin A function in the brain and not the eyes is responsible for photoperiodic sensing and responses.

Merlin says the study raises interesting questions regarding the pathways possible involvement in any number of intriguing scenarios, including the production of a deep-brain photoreceptor for photoperiodic sensing, the seasonal regulation of a retinoic acid-mediated transcriptional program, and/or the seasonal plasticity of the clock neuronal circuitry in the brain.

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Could the Monarch butterfly help us to understand seasonal depression? - Health Europa

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