Effects of sleep deprivation and tips to follow to sleep well – Republic World – Republic World

A 2019 study by the University of Colorado Boulder, published in the Journalof Experimental Physiology, proposed a new potential mechanism through which one can trace howsleepinfluences an individualshearthealthand overall physiology.The study states that people who do not get 7 hours ofsleepat night often suffer from lower blood levels of microRNAs that play a key role in maintaining vascularhealth.Through time, while such studies have led to the discovery that people who do not get enoughsleepare at a greater risk of experiencing a stroke orheartattack. There is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death in persons whosleepless than 6 hours every day than those whosleepmore.Dr Santosh Kumar Dora, Senior Cardiologist, Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai lists effects of sleep deprivation and tips to sleep well.

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The effect of acutesleepdeprivation results in cognitive impairment, which includes deficits in behavioural alertness and vigilant attention, lack of logical reasoning, errors in simple tasks, accidents, poor work performance, poor mood, irritability, low energy, decreased libido and poor judgement.On the other hand, chronicsleepdeprivation (CSD) results in accidents, workplace errors, inappropriate drowsiness and unplanned naps with consequences both at home and at the workplace.

One must thus cultivate healthysleepinghabits for a healthyheart, never underestimating the importance of a good nightssleep. The prescribed duration ofsleepis nothing less than 7 to 9 hrs. The depth ofsleepis as important as its duration as this happens to be the time when the body undergoes repair, restoration and rest.

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The following are a few tips to help yousleepwell:

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Disclaimer: The content provided above is for information purposes. This is no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Effects of sleep deprivation and tips to follow to sleep well - Republic World - Republic World

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