IS This ALL a PLAN-DEMIC? – The Way

Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2008, French Professor Montagnieron in interview with CNews Direct in Paris, insists that more and more researchers are coming to the same conclusion; that the Lock-Step- driven, King Billy & Melinda Gates of Hell Foundation, Fauci, CCP, Wuhan, 2019 Novel SARS-CoV-2 Virus, COVID-19 (COVID 1984) is partially lab grown. No Kidding. He finally says that evidences and research papers are being suppressed; but that nobody can exert any kind of pressure on him, when considering his legacy and Nobel credentials.

Luc Antoine Montagnier was born 18 August 1932 and is a French virologist and joint recipient with Franoise Barr-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). He is a long-time researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, and now he currently works as a full-time professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China.

Here is the transcript of that portion of the interview relevant to my article of today.

Host: So what interests me this morning is that you are working right now on the virus..

Pr. Montagnier: Im working on it, but not necessarily in the lab, since we mainly work on computers along with a colleague. We have no experiments, but the experience comes from the disease itself; from the measures that are made currently in labs and on patients

Host: And you came out with conclusions.

Pr. Montagnier: Well, we came to the conclusion that there has been a manipulation regarding this virus

Host: What do you mean?

Pr. Montagnier: In fact, part of the virus, not the whole, is manipulated. Well, the virus follows a classic model that comes from bats; but on top of this model they have added sequences of HIV, the AIDS virus.

Host: When you say they have added, you mean who?

Pr. Montagnier: Oh I dont know!

Host: ..and its not natural.. this is what you mean?

Pr. Montagnier: No its not natural. Its a lab work of professional molecular biologists. Its a very accurate workwe can say the work of a watchmaker..

Host: But for what purpose?

Pr. Montagnier: Well, for what purpose.. this is unclear. My job is to expose the facts. I accuse nobody. I dont know who did it; neither why. The possibility is probably they wanted to make a vaccine against the Aids. So they took small sequences of the virus and they installed them on the larger sequence of the coronavirus

Host: So Im not sure that Im understanding all what youre saying.. you mean that in this virus theres a part of HIV?

Pr. Montagnier: Youre right. The genetic material of the virus is a long tape of RNA.. as in DNA but its RNA. On this tape; in a certain place of it, they have planted small sequences of HIV. And these sequences are not small for nothing; they have the possibility to modify what we call, for example, the antigens sites. This means that if we want to make a vaccine, we can modify the protein subject to the vaccine by a small sequence coming from another virus

Host 2: Some rumors said that it has a human origin but this was refuted by scientific authorities anyway

Pr. Montagnier: Theres a will to suppress the works on the subject. We are not the first. A group of renowned Indian researchers have published the same thing. But they forced them to retract it.

Host 2: They forced them in what way?

Pr. Montagnier: It has been cancelled. If you check their work you find a cancellation band.

Host 2: But most of scientists say the opposite of what you claim here.

Pr. Montagnier: Less and less. It just happened at the beginning of this year; and we see more and more works that suggest the same thing. Im too old and Im a Nobel laureate so I can work freely; so no pressure can be exerted on me.

So there you have it. This could very well be a plandemic with a very real man-made virus which seems to explode in its epicentres and diminish in power and effect in its outward spread.

Whilst the initial escape might well have been from the Lab in Wuhan, where the virus was created is still under discussion, however, the fact that it was created, seems no longer to be under discussion by Professor Luc Montagnier.

As I have been saying for weeks now, what we are witnessing is an attempt to bring in the economic Beast System of Total Technocratic Tyrannical Control. The measure of their success in doing so, will be dependant on two things, first the will of the West to allow them to do so, and secondly the measure of Divine Intervention that comes against these wicked works of darkness.

Finally, remember, that if the truth alarms you, the problem is not with the truth,

Oh, and one more thing before I go today, Brace, Brace, Brace, and get ready for impact. The sound and impact of the technocratic hammer of tyranny falling, and the dance macabre will continue thereafter as the New World Order tries to push its control and kill agenda. Remember, their only answer to the Lock-Step- driven, King Billy & Melinda Gates of Hell Foundation, Fauci, CCP, Wuhan, 2019 Novel SARS-CoV-2 Virus, COVID-19 (COVID 1984) is the New World Order and its Control Vaccine, as it attempts to speedily implement its plans of World-Wide control to usher in the Anti-Christ, in what history shall record to be the Greatest Depression of all time.

We need a Saviour and I wonder if one shall soon be presented to humanity?

Meanwhile, get to the New Normal as soon as you can, because your world which you once knew has now gone forever.

The Future is here and it is NOW time for the time-of-the-end disciple to arise and for New Antiochs to be birthed, to meet the times now here.

Oh, and PS, I am beyond angry at what is going on, I am furious! And you should be too. Indeed, I am angry BECAUSE I am a Christian. If you are not angry yet, then I doubt your salvation. Maybe YOU are not a Christian. Think about that.

Oh and PPS, please plant a garden and protect it, and quietly extend your pantry, for food shortages are coming.

Free Lance Researcher & News Compiler | The Grinch | Published | 2020 | April 20 | 10:00 | UK LOCKDOWN DAY 27 | World Coronavirus Count: 2,407,000 infected, 165,069 dead

(I am The Grinch, both by name and nature, and, on the whole, I care more about having you informed rather than uplifted. I think that's why The Way still uses my services and why I am focussed on the CCP, Wuhan, 2019 Novel Corona SARS 2 Virus, COVID-19 (COVID 1984). Enjoy..or not..)

The Views expressed in this Opinion Editorial are entirely the view of The Grinch and does not necessarily reflect the views held by the Editorial Board of The Way, or the Trustees of 66Books.

Who is The Grinch? A Brief Explanation by The Grinch| I met Rev Victor Robert Farrell of The Way over 40 years ago when we served together on the same Submarine. Therefore, like him, I am old enough to know better but still young enough possess some fire in my bones. Unlike him though, I have nothing to lose, and consequently, I say what I like, making sure I always like what I say.

I live with my wife, Mrs. Grinch, not Mrs Hinch, though she has all of her books, though I am not sure if Mrs Hinch is a follower of Mrs Grinch? Anyway, having moved out of our council flat in Carnoustie, we now live off the grid in a 4 berth caravan parked in a big enough cave up in the Cairngorms with our 5 year old West Highland Terrier, Maisie. If push comes to shove, we shall eat her, but thats a long way off as we have been preppers now for years. Meanwhile, we love her to bits.

I do not have a cell phone, and only communicate with The Way via email, and to do this I have a satellite uplink to the internet. It is old technology, and though the signal redundancy is longer than I would like, it works and it keeps on working. Meanwhile, The Way have instructions to delete all my details PERMANANTLY and once a month to follow the treie and tested, Acid and Hammer Hilary Method of Hard-Drive Data Destruction.

I am a Christian, A Bible Believer and I am pro-human. My only goal in life is to speak the truth from a Biblical World View, and that means I am part of the biggest conspiracy theory (so-called) ever! Oh, and yes, like me, dont like me, I still dont really care.

Be well.

Read the rest here:
IS This ALL a PLAN-DEMIC? - The Way

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