Protective Effects of Curcumin and its Nano-Phytosome on Carrageenan-I | JIR – Dove Medical Press

Saeideh Baradaran, 1 Akbar Hajizadeh Moghaddam, 1 Sedigheh Khanjani Jelodar, 1 Nasroallah Moradi-kor 2

1Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran; 2Research Center of Physiology, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran

Correspondence: Nasroallah Moradi-korResearch Center of Physiology, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Damghan Road, P.O. Box 35195-163, Semnan, IranEmail moradikor.nasroallah@yahoo.comAkbar Hajizadeh MoghaddamDepartment of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, P.O. Box 57416-13534, Babolsar, IranEmail

Background and purpose: Natural compounds are used for prevention of inflammation. Curcumin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and loading it into nano-phytosomes may improve its efficiency. The present study investigates the effects of curcumin and its nano-phytosome on behavioral and biochemical responses in carrageenan-induced inflammation in the mice model.Methods: The mice were divided into six groups and received oral administration of curcumin or its nano-phytosome at a dose of 15 mg/kg for seven days before the administration of carrageenan. Acute inflammation in the mice was induced by administration of carrageenan (1%) into the subplantar region of the left paw. Antioxidant activity and behavioral responses were then evaluated.Results: The results showed that the serum concentrations of antioxidant enzymes were significantly higher in the sal+sal group compared to the cara+sal group (P< 0.05). Using nanophytosome, separately and in combination with indomethacin, increased the levels of antioxidant enzymes compared to the cara+sal group (P< 0.05). Latency was significantly lower in the cara+sal group compared to the cara+sal group (P< 0.05), but it was considerably higher in other groups, especially in the group (P< 0.05).Conclusion: It can be stated that the nano-phytosome of curcumin could improve antioxidant and behavioral responses in inflamed mice.

Keywords: antioxidant activity, inflammation, mice model, nano-phytosome

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Protective Effects of Curcumin and its Nano-Phytosome on Carrageenan-I | JIR - Dove Medical Press

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