Re: Covid-19: physiology is ignored in vitamin D’s role in treatment and prevention – The BMJ

Dear Editor

It appears that the decision makers advising the medical profession are ignorant of the physiology of D3 and have come up with advice on D3 supplementation that guarantees a large percentage of the UK population fail to reach even half-physiological serum 25(OH)D3. It bears repeating that D3 is not a drug whose lowest effective dose can be decided only by RCT. Rather, D3 is a pleiotropic hormone with a defined physiological serum level of pro-hormone 25(OH)D3. The physiological level was defined by researchers several years ago, and championed by the late Robert Heaney MD, whose work is summarised here and in a lecture (Vitamin D, Sunshine, Optimal Health: Putting it all Together, 12/09/2014, University of California Television San Diego).

The physiological serum 25(OH)D3 is between 100 and 150 nmol/L. Adherence to advice from supposed expert panels has left the UK population with an annualised mean level of just under 50 nmol/L. Our innate immune system has evolved over 500 million years and is regulated epigenomically by D3: A strong argument can be made that sub-physiological D3 and impaired innate immunity is a driver of the pandemic.

I find, personally, that my serum 25 (OH)D3 reaches a physiological level of 140 nmol/L with a daily supplement of 4000 IU D3. The maximal, physiological rate of production by sunlight on skin is 10 to 20,000 IU pd

From a physiological perspective advising 400 IU pd has no basis in science.

Re: Covid-19: physiology is ignored in vitamin D's role in treatment and prevention - The BMJ

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