Dear Friend,
A re you looking to learn anatomy and physiology?
You're about to discover the most spectacular gold mine of human anatomy & physiology materials and diagrams ever created for commercial sale.
I'm about to share with you everything you'll ever need to know about human anatomy, physiology and drug therapy, complete with diagrams, courses, lesson plans, quizzes and solutions. I'll provide an effective and painless way to learn or review anatomy and physiology, from the chemical level through the entire organism
No matter whether you're a
My name is Dr. James Ross and I've been teaching human anatomy and physiology for more than 18 years. I hold a Ph.D. in Integrative Physiology, which I completed in 1992, and started writing for popular magazines and journals.
I was recently a nominee in the poster prize at the British Neuroendocrine Society annual conference held on 15th and 16th September 2008 at the University of Briston. In 2004, I founded the "InnerHealth" training school for paramedics and nurses in Pennsylvania.
But more importantly, since 1996, I've helped thousands of students, practitioners and junior doctors learn and master the complex topics of anatomy quickly and easily.
You see, once an expert explains to you how to actually do language you can easily understand...this is almost as easy as...eating lunch.
The secret is in following proven lessons, mastering the subject one step at a time - At your own speed with detailed illustrations. This is closest thing to joining a full time medical course that will cost you over thousands of dollars. Sounds good? Then read on ..
Cover Hundreds of Medical Topics Spanning Over 3000+ Pages
Award Winning Course Previously Only Sold To Medical Professionals
Each Lessons Ends With Key Facts, Revision Tests + Solutions To Reinforce Learning and Pinpoint Weaknesses
Detailed Illustrations With Labels To Aid Your Comprehension - And Boost Your Retention
Idiot Proof Coverage Of Every Region & System In The Body and Identify Specific Muscle Groups and Their Functions
Simple Explanations of Cell Structures & Body Tissue and Review Key Anatomy & Physiology Concepts
Perfect For Medical Practitioners, Students, Educators, Anatomists, Sports Trainers, Injury Law Attorneys, Chiropractors, Therapists, Nurses and Paramedics
No Prior Medical Training Is Required
Computer Printable So That You Can Read On The Go
Compatible With Both Windows And Mac
This Ultimate Award Winning Human Anatomy Course is unsurpassed in conveying complex anatomical & pathological information.
Take a fascinating journey inside the mysterious hidden wonders of the body via pages of structural information and beautifully detailed anatomical images to find answers to questions.
All structures and musculature are modeled and labeled including nerves, deep and superficial muscles, blood supply, skeletal structures and unique features for each individual body parts. Each topic is linked via references with test quizzes and this provides the best way to learn and understand human anatomy and the body.
This is honestly the most complete ultimate home study course in human anatomy and physiology course you'll ever find on the Internet. With over 3000+ pages coupled with detailed illustrations and diagrams, it blows other similar courses away.
If you are a student, you'll save yourself YEARS of research. Pursuing a career as a healthcare professional? No problem - this hands on course gets you up to speed in anatomy and physiology facts in a focused step by step manner. And thats not all!
Boost Your Grades with The Best-Selling Medical Illustrated Course!
Learn about Human Anatomy or Physiology without spending giant amounts of money on expensive courses. This easy to follow primer with quick study guides helps you understand the intricacies of the body and how all its system work together. So what does this mean for you?
Find out how human muscles, nerves, bones,organs, glands, connective tissue and more, function and communicate with each other
Discover the molecular-level workings of your glandular, genitourinary, digestive, cardiovascular, and other systems
Conquer comparative and cellular physiology
Get complete answer explanations for all problems
Modules are clearly presented, easy to follow and thorough in content
Learn MORE in less time with the most enjoyable human anatomy course
But that's just part of the story. Lets take a closer look at the main components in this course:
System Component #1:
System Component #2:
System Component #3:
It is simply impossible to list everything down since it is too big but here is brief overview at some of the contents. This is just ONE of the many modules in this component
Note: Click On Each Image To View Larger Illustration:
Click On Each Image To Zoom In
Lesson 1: Introduction to Basic Human Physiology
Lesson 2: Physiology of Cells and Miscellaneous Tissues
Lesson 3: Envelopes of the Body
Lesson 4: The Skeletal System
Lesson 5: Physiology and Actions of Muscles
Lesson 6: The Human Digestive System
Lesson 7: The Human Respiratory System and Breathing
Lesson 8: The Human Urinary System
Lesson 9: The Human Reproductive (Genital) System
Click On Each Image To Zoom In
Lesson 10: Cardiovascular and Other Circulatory Systems of the Human Body
Lesson 11: The Human Endocrine System
Lesson 12: The Human Nervous System
Lesson 13: The Special Senses
Lesson 14: Some Elementary Human Genetics
Ear-Eyes-Nose Injuries
Musculoskeletal System
Nursing Care Related to the Musculoskeletal System
Anatomy and Physiology Related to Clinical Pathology
AND MANY MORE! (over 3000+ PAGES with full illustrations)
What this boils down to is that you're getting the most comprehensive human anatomy & physiology course available. This leaves no stone unturned.
Remember, this is just ONE module out of the hundreds in this component. It is simply too huge to list them all.
Pharmacology continues to be among the most dynamic of the biomedical sciences and as such, it included as a component in this amazing home study course.
Drug Dosage and Therapy
Oral and Maxillofactal pathology
Pharmacology I
Pharmacology II
Principles of Epidemiology and Microbiology
AND MANY MORE! (over 3000+ PAGES with full illustrations
Frankly, I didn't even delve into the details of every single module as I do not want to overwhlem you.
You'll find out about drugs affecting the central nervous system, autonomic and cardiovascular drugs, drugs used to prevent and treat infections, lymphatic systems, cardiac and vasodilator drugs and so much more.
Let me tell you, though, that what I've shown here is VERY conservative in number. The actual contents of this course is jam packed with a gargantuan amount of knowledge that has been scrupulously researched.
This tome of knowledge is right there...just waiting for you to open ...
1-1 Regions of the human body 1-2 Anatomical position and medial-lateral relationships 1-3A The sagittal plane 1-3B The horizontal plane. 1-3C The frontal plane . 1-4 A "typical" animal cell (as seen in an electron microscope) 1-5 Planes of the body (exercise 14) 1-6 Directions (exercise 15). 1-7 Directions upon members (exercise 16). 1-8 A "typical" animal cell (exercise 18). 2-1 Epithelial cells. 2-2 Types of epithelial tissues 2-3 Types of muscle tissue 2-4 A neuron. 2-5 A synapse 3-1 The integument and related structures. 3-2 The integumentary derivatives (appendages) 3-3 A bursa--the simplest serous cavity 4-1 A mature long bone (femur) 4-2 A "typical synovial joint"--diagrammatic 4-3A Anterior view of the human skeleton 4-3B Posterior view of the human skeleton 4-4 A typical vertebra (superior and side views) 4-5 The human thorax with bones of the shoulder region 4-6 The human skull (front and side views) 4-7 A general pattern of the upper and lower members 4-8 The human scapula and clavicle (pectoral girdle) 4-9 The humerus, radius, and ulna 4-10 The human hand 4-11 The bony pelvis (two pelvic bones and sacrum). 4-12 The femur, tibia, and fibula (anterior views) 4-13 The human foot 5-1 Skeletal and facial muscles, anterior view. 5-2 Skeletal and facial muscles, posterior view 5-3 Types of lever systems 5-4 A simple pulley (the human knee mechanism)
5-5 The skeleto-muscular unit (arm-forearm flexion (3rd class lever system)) 6-1 The human digestive system 6-2 Anatomy of the oral complex. 6-3 Section of a tooth and jaw. 7-1 The human respiratory system 7-2 Supralaryngeal structures. 7-3 The larynx. 7-4 Infralaryngeal structures ("respiratory tree") 8-1 The human urinary system. 8-2 A section of a human kidney 8-3 A "typical" nephron 8-4 The human female genital system 8-5 The human male genital system (continued) . 9-1 Scheme of blood vessels 9-2 The human heart.. 9-3 Scheme of heart valves. 9-4 Cardiovascular circulatory patterns 9-5 Main arteries of the human body 9-6 Main veins of the human body 9-7 The human lymphatic system 10-1 The endocrine glands of the human body and their locations.. 11-1 A "typical" neuron . 11-2 A synapse 11-3 A neuromuscular junction. 11-4 The human central nervous system (CNS) . 11-5A Human brain (side view). 11-5B Human brain (bottom view) 11-6 A cross section of the spinal cord. 11-7 A schematic diagram of the meninges, as seen in side view of the CNS 11-8 A "typical" spinal nerve, with a cross section of the spinal cord 11-9 The general reflex arc 11-10 A horizontal section of the eyeball 11-11 Cellular detail of the retina. 11-12 A frontal section of the human ear 11-13 The labyrinths of the internal ear. 11-14 Diagram of the scalae 11-15 Diagram of semicircular duct orientation ..
Click On Each Image To Zoom In
If you're a student or researcher, these diagrams would be a lifesaver.
The good news is, you pretty much don't have to do any work at all. All the hardwork has been extensively done for you. These comprehensive illustrations are all detailed and labelled.
This is like having your own walking human encyclopedia.
Cells and Tissues | Skeletal | Muscular | Digestive | System | Respiratory | Urinary | Reproductive | Cardiovascular | Endocrine and Nerves | Human Genetics and Senses
Drug Dosage and Therapy | Oral and Maxillofactal Pathology |Pharmacology | Epidemiology | Microbiology
Award Winning Home Study Course As Seen On The Martha Stewart Show!
See why I call this the "ultimate" home study course? But you know, I'm going to make it even easier...
And here's what I haven't told you...for the next 100 27 members only:
As if that's not enough, you'll also be glad to know that I'm throwing in an time limited bonus.
"Nursing & Paramedics Masterclass" is an exclusive course that covers all the fundamental materials ways to get started in the industry, even if you're new to this. As always, it contains detailed images and illustrations to guide you step by step along the way.
This is only available to members who order in the next 24 hours only so download it now before it's gone!
BONUS: Nursing & Paramedics Masterclass
Click On Image To Enlarge
That's right, I'll give you everything you'll ever need to know about nursing, paramedics and EMT.
Go here to see the original:
The #1 Human Anatomy and Physiology Course | Learn ...
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