Trees permit human beings to exist they are miracles of science, and of art – Times of India

Graeme P Berlyn is EH Harriman Professor of Forest Management and Physiology of Trees at Yale Universitys School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Writing for Times Evoke, the renowned environmental expert discusses the science of trees and their poetry:Trees have many benefits for the entire life of our planet. Trees tower majestically into the atmosphere where they absorb carbon and release oxygen, a process that permits the very life of aerobic organisms like humans to exist. Their roots penetrate deep into the soil where they recycle nutrients around the rhizosphere. Trees occupy only about a third of the terrestrial surface of the Earth but they are responsible for approximately two-thirds of the planetary carbon capture through the process of photosynthesis. '; var randomNumber = Math.random(); var isIndia = (window.geoinfo && window.geoinfo.CountryCode === 'IN') && (window.location.href.indexOf('outsideindia') === -1 ); console.log(isIndia && randomNumber

This is performed by tree leaves that grow along the stems and branches into the atmosphere. Significantly, trees have a large area of leaves per unit of ground surface area as compared to other land plants this accounts for their immense carbon capture. A key factor is the long life of trees, so the carbon that is taken up from carbon dioxide in the process of tree photosynthesis is stored for the life of the tree. When trees are removed due to clearing for various needs that result from population increases, this carbon repository is lost.

During the 1930s, President Franklin D Roosevelt of the United States initiated a system of planting windbreaks to ameliorate the blowing away of top soil in the dust bowl areas, from North Dakota to Texas. Tree crowns are the basis for this effect. In the winter, going into a forest seems warmer because of the reduction of wind. In the summer, forests are cooler because the tree crowns shield the forest floor from direct solar radiation. This effect is also seen in snowmelt the snow melts first in open fields or meadows. This influences animals as well in these environments.

Originally posted here:
Trees permit human beings to exist they are miracles of science, and of art - Times of India

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