Voice of the People: Kent State was and is a quality university – Akron Beacon Journal


I read with interest the May 4 Memories column of Terry Walrath on April 26th. I wondered how he came up with the conclusions that Kent State was academically poor, and that students only went there because it was cheap and they couldnt get into other schools. I attended Kent in the 60s, earning a bachelors and masters degree. I was an all-MAC quarterback. I graduated and played for the Cleveland Browns and Minnesota Vikings. My degrees allowed me to further my education at The Ohio State University, where I earned a Ph.D. in physiology. I then taught physiology at the University of Akron, where I had a wonderful 50-year career. This is what my education at Kent gave to me

I am not only thankful for my Kent education, Im proud of my degrees and Kent. It provided all the tools I needed to succeed. I made many lifelong friends there and they are all happy and successful. You can see why I was appalled by Walraths characterization.

Richard Mostardi, Ph.D., Ravenna

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Voice of the People: Kent State was and is a quality university - Akron Beacon Journal

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